A highly interesting Runic inscription
Los 3112
Michael VII Ducas, 1071-1078. Histamenon (Electrum, 29 mm, 4.18 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. IC - XC Nimbate bust of Christ facing, wearing tunic and pallium, raising his right hand in benediction and holding book of Gospels in his left. Rev. + MIXAHΛ RACIΛ O Δ Bust of Michael VII facing, wearing loros and crown with pendilia, holding labarum with pellet on shaft in his right hand and globus cruciger in his left. DOC 2d. SB 1868. A highly interesting piece with runic graffiti. Slightly clipped and with graffiti, otherwise, about very fine.

Ex Classical Numismatic Group E-Auction 533, 22 February 2023, 652.

The highly intriguing graffiti on this coin were likely inscribed in runic script, the writing system of the ancient Germanic peoples. Perhaps the coin made its way to Nordic regions, but given the numerous Germanic mercenaries in the renowned Varangian Guard in Constantinople, it seems more likely that one of these soldiers applied the graffiti, possibly to mark the coin, which might have been part of his pay, as his own property.
100 CHF
550 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 17:56:30 CEST
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